Mercury!   7 comments

All right, we are back in a “Mercury Retrograde” again.  A lot of you probably know quite a lot more about this than I do, but if I understand correctly…..the placement of this planet in the constellations and they way they are all moving right now makes Mercury appear to be moving backwards through the zodiac.  This is alleged to cause all kinds of havoc with things Mercury is in charge of, like communications and equipment that manages things of that nature..  Good thing we’re not a very communications-dependent culture, right?  Heck, we don’t need our machinery.  Anyway, I have often railed about people who blame absolutely everything on Mercury Retrograde.  Tripped over your feet?  Retrograde!  Lit yourself on fire on the stove?  Darn that Mercury!  Yes, I make fun of it because I think it is WAY overthought.  It is a scapegoat to blame everything on; the latest modern superstition….so says I.

Look, it finally uploaded! Took me three times.....

However, lest I get too cocky or guffaw too much, I must confess, I had some incidents this week. Like phone calls just drop.  Land line phone calls (yes, the ancient stone age kind…) just drop.  A lot.  And then my personal favorite: the copy machine.  Yes, the beloved copy machine that I have used eight thousand times would simply not do the job I asked it to do, period.  I had a very simple task to perform: take these two pages, turn it into a single two sided document and give me 20 of them.  I’ve done that task so many times I don’t even know how many. I ran the job and it was suddenly spitting out way more pages than I asked for.  What the heck?  This thing had made copies of one of each page with a single blank sheet in between.  I have no idea why.  So I tried it again. Checked my settings, etc.  Ran it again and got 60 pages of nonsense I could not use.  Oh, and it said it was out of paper.  Except that it wasn’t because I put the paper in myself and all the drawers were full.  It then started beeping, shut itself off, started back up, spit out an incoming fax (it does do faxes) and started the copy job over again….the wrong way.  I also locked myself out of my computer and I am SURE I typed that password right.  Stupid Mercury.

At this very moment, I am really attemping to upload a very pretty picture of what I think is a nebula in our beautiful universe into this blog post.  It says “uploading” and has said that for about 20 minutes now.  If I say that the retrograde is real, will Mercury forgive me and let me have my picture in here?  I’m sorry Mercury!  I didn’t mean to doubt your powers!  But seriously, why the frick are you always going backward?  Are you lost?  What is wrong with you?  Sorry…..really…..I just want my photo to upload.

Posted March 14, 2012 by Jessica in Uncategorized

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7 responses to “Mercury!

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  1. Retrogade already! Oh god well we should be careful.. and not blame Mercury all the time though ^^ these beliefs should not be exaggerated.

    • I just talked to a woman today who thinks that she dropped her stapler on her foot because Mercury is retrograde. I told her to relax.

      I could have gone my whole life not knowing about the retrograde thing and things would have sometimes gone wrong and sometimes gone right and that’s what I call life. I agree, it’s best not to overthink it. Awareness is good, worrying about it too much is not!

  2. Ha ha good story. Our internet plan slowed the day it went retrograde. It does this every month but we usually only have to get through a few days before it returns to its speedy normality. This time we have a fortnight to wait. Doing everything involves waiting.

    And why? Like our minds Mercury races ahead like a child on red cordial then bounces back to ensure we are not lost or losing the plot. It gives us time to keep things real.

  3. *snicker*

    Yes, I love to blame virtually everything on Mercury Retrograde. Even when it isn’t. It’s my favorite go-to villain. I admit it. 😀 So at least something decent comes out of it?

  4. These days, you should be blaming Helios. He is very active and in a peak of activity that comes back every 11 years. Our modern day technologies are sensible to Helios’ electromagnetic stroms.

    Beauty & Peace.

    • I did catch the end of newscast lately on some of our sun activity right now, and hadn’t thought of that. Aren’t we at some risk to lose some sattelites on occasion from that type of solar peak? Nevermind Mercury 🙂 Sol Invictus!

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